Saturday, August 28, 2010

Update after 4 weeks

Four weeks in and I'm wishing that I had more hours in the day because I feel that I'm not studying enough, not spending enough time with my wife, not doing enough around the house, not doing enough around the yard, not spending enough time with friends. You get the picture. The studying will have to increase as I get better at time management. It seems that studying is like running for me; if I get started, I'll work hard and feel better afterwards but the hardest part is getting started! That being said, I am getting better at it.

We had our first exam and I performed pretty well. To graduate, we just have to pass but I want to actually know the information now. When I was in undergrad I have to admit that I was pretty lazy - cramming for exams and staying up all night to finish the problem set that I had a week to complete. Now, I want to know this stuff cold! What a difference it is when you're doing something that you enjoy, that you feel is important.

Oh, and I am loving the OMT (osteopathic manipulative treatment) subject. We are learning how to feel differences in our patients, how to use our hands to heal them. Touch is a powerful thing and I think more doctors need to be taught how to touch their patients, how to use their hands to diagnose and even heal them.

Ok - enough rambling into space - back to the books!

1 comment:

Dr. Patrice Smith said...

Good, good. Glad you are making progress. You are right about the studying bit. The hardest part IS getting started.
Good luck with the rest.