Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On Procrastination

I will do anything to stave off studying pharmacology, even update this blog. Not because it's especially boring because I find it pretty darn interesting and it's of course a major tool in the physician's tool kit. It's that I'm so damn bad at memorizing and that's what Pharm is, rote memorization at its finest. There isn't a lot of understanding to be had in the subject and it is filled with tables of drugs, their class, uses, side effects etc etc etc. Physiology is where I shine but that's only a tiny part of medical school. I think it was about a month of class last semester then it was back to "what is this drug or that drug.....". Even when Pharm has critical thinking, if you don't remember the name of the damn drug, then you can't solve the puzzle presented to you in the question.

Oh well - it just has to be done, like removing a bandage or breaking up with your girlfriend. Unpleasant but happy to have it over.

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